What Are Scars : Dermis is brought on the skin by acne and inflammation occurs within this dermis which results in scars. When a wound tries to heal itself, sometimes a lot of collagen accumulates in that spot resulting in a scar at that spot. Acne scars are sometimes called ice pick scars this is due to the indentation these scars create on the surface of the skin.Some medical conditions also create scars on the face.
Inflamed lesions appear on the skin like cyst, papule and pustule which result in acne scars. Inflamed blemishes result in the blockage of pores due to excessive oil or bacteria and sometimes even due to dead skin cells. Follicle wall breaks due to swelling of the pores. If the wall breaks close to the surface of the skin then it would heal quickly. Serious and long lasting acne scars occur when the breakage occurs deep inside the skin. Dermis gets contaminated due to the infected material and healthy skin tissues get damaged.
Once the follicle wall breaks the skin wants to repair it by producing fresh collagen fibers as collagen is the substance that causes the skin to become strong and flexible. As this process is occurring, sometimes it happens that the body forms excess collagen and it accumulates over the skin tissues creating scars, this type of scars are known as hypertrophic or keloid. Acne mostly creates atrophic scars that are formed because of the tissue loss. Box scars and ice pick are the atrophic scars that occur because of the tissue loss.Now the question is how to get rid of acne scars?
Get Rid Of Acne Scars By Home Remedies
It is said that the best home remedy for removing the scars is the lemon juice, despite of its immense nutritional value; it works wonders for the skin when applied externally. All you need to do is take some lemon juice and apply it on your scars and leave it there for about 15 minutes. Apply it once every 15 days. Another effective homemade remedy for acne scars in by making a mixture of one tablespoon yogurt, one tablespoon oatmeal and one table spoon sour cream; mix this with two to three drops of lemon juice and apply this on your face and other affected areas. Let it stay there for about 15 minutes and then rinse it off thoroughly with water. It should be applied every week.
Tomatoes are effective ingredients for healthy food, they also work wonders for acne scars. Tomatoes are filled with antioxidants so they help remove acne scars. Take equal quantities of cucumber juice, tomato juice and powdered milk, mix them and apply the mixture on your face and see the scars fading in no time. Apply this once twice a week for better results.
Apple cider vinegar is another magical ingredient for your acne scars; it should be used as a toner by diluting it with water in such a way that ¼ parts is apple cider vinegar and ¾ parts should be of water. It should be used after cleansing. You can take apple cider vinegar internally as it has great detoxification effects; it should be mixed with water and honey in such a way that one cup water should contain two tablespoons apple cider vinegar and one teaspoon of honey.
The juice of mint leaves is another effective remedy for fading the acne scars, extract the juice from about fifteen leaves and then apply it on the face
In addition to these home remedies there are other medical treatments that can be used to remove the acne scars.
Other treatments of Acne Scars
There are two medical treatments called the microdermabrasion and the dermabrasion, in both these treatments dead cells are removed from the surface of the skin using a machine. The skin is exfoliated with this machine. Microdermabrasion varies from dermabrasion in such a way that it is a gentle procedure as compared to dermabrasion.
Laser therapy can be used to remove the scars, this is a resurfacing therapy in which microscopic light pulses are used to wound the skin a bit and then it is healed micro thermally and it repairs the scar tissues.
There are chemical masks that make the skin’s top layer to peel off and the layer that comes up is much better and smooth then the previous layer.
For acne scar removal, fraxel skin resurfacing is one of the best treatments, in my opinion. For example, a few months ago, my sister also tried a fraxel procedure in order to reduce acne scars on the face. She was very happy with the results! This treatment helped her get rid of acne scars forever! That's why, my sister highly recommends fraxel!