Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Treat Back acne (acne scar treatment)

home remedies for acneAre you suffering from back acne? This is a rare question asked by different people. You have heard problems like face acne and scars, but you do not come to face with issues like back acne. This is also found in number of people and you even feel ashamed wearing lower backs and lower back clothes.

It is often seen in formal events and dinners that when you have to wear strapless and lower back gowns you look for ways of getting rid of back scars and back acnes.  Application of products on your face and other body parts is easier in comparison with the back. Other than that, when you start looking for back acne treatment products, you will rarely find some good options for the application. All that is required and helpful are the home remedies for the back acne.

Take some very common ingredients available at your home. Take a tomato which should be cooled down through placing it in fridge. Chilled tomato will be a great help. Next take fresh mint leaves and crushed them to take out their leaves’ juice and essence.  Mix the tomato pulp and the crushed fresh mint leaves with the yogurt and apply it on your back on the affected areas. You can ask someone to do this job of applying for you. Leave the applied mixture for a few minutes and then clean it with a scrub or warm towel to get the desired effects on your back.When we talk about rice they are also a very healthy remedy for application and getting rid of acne. As the rice sounds and taste good. Same is the case with them when they are applied on your body. Take the ground rice with a coarse form. Crush them a little and soak them in lemon juice. Then take a pure piece of cotton cloth and add the whole mixture in it. Fold the cloth two times and rub it on your back or ask someone to do this for you. Rub it gently on the back acne and you will soon see the desired results.You can even change the type of clothing material you wear and avoid going in the sun directly and do not expose the effected body part like back directly to heat and sun. This will help you to gain more softness in the back skin. Try to wear stuff like cotton and avoid making use of clothes like linen which enhance the acne reaction.You can make use of apple cider vinegar which is used in the cooking of food. It is easily available in the local markets. As it is acidic in nature it is very helpful for the removal of acne from the back. Apply the apple cider vinegar to get rid of back acne and even make use of aloe vera for this purpose. Take bath twice a day and avoid eating oily food which enhances the back acne.

These are some home remedies which are a helpful way of getting rid of back acne.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

How To Get Clear Skin Permanently

home remedies for acneSkin Problems : There are a lot of issues faced by people all around the world regarding the beauty of their skin. Some people have acne on their chest area or around shoulders and back and the most worst of all is the acne covering the face. People are regularly getting worried about these acne and spots as it affects their self confidence and they even face depression and social humiliation due to unclear skin.Now the question arises how to get clear skin.

People avoid going out and practically hide inside their home so that people may not look at their affected skin. People are plagued with the problems of unclear skin. People get frustrated because of their bad skin. People are obsessed with finding ways to get their skin clear in very little time and they can’t wait to get back their self confidence.

People should accept the fact that acne is formed due to genetic reasons but they also should not neglect that the diet, hygiene and lifestyle of a person also affects the acne that it can increase or decrease it.

How To Get Clear Skin Permanently

Everyone wants to have a clear skin, as it makes them look radiant and young. A person having clear skin feels confident and special. The clear skin looks eye-catching and the person can stand out in the crowd with immense self esteem. Other people feel pleased watching such clear skins. There are uncountable advantages of a clear skin and women as well as men desire to have clear skins. It is not an easy and quick task getting a clear skin. A person needs to create a disciplined schedule for acquiring a clear skin and the skin needs to get proper attention on daily basis.

The Right Skin Care Regime

A person might want to use natural ways to make his or her skin look clear and flawless. But one should start by choosing a right regime for taking care of the skin. There are some basic things that everyone should have who want to take care of their skin; one should have a good cleanser, lotion, toner and mask. These things should be according to the skin type of the person using it. It is very important that the person is well aware of the skin type he or she have.

Once you have a cleanser best suited to your skin then you should keep in mind to wash your face or the affected skin area with Luke warm water and the water should not be too hot or too cold. The toner should be chosen in such a way that it should contain salicylic acid as one of its ingredients. And the toner should be applied with cotton on the skin and using hands should be avoided because hands might have bacteria. The lotion should be selected which have SPF in it and it should be liberally applied to the skin.

A person should use a pore cleansing mask and it should be applied once or twice a week according to the degree of acne. There are

home remedies for acnecreams and masks available that contain benzyl peroxide and salicylic acid as their ingredient; these should be used as they are effective in treating acne, spots and breakouts.

Microdermabrasion scrub should be used from time to time to clear off dead skin. Exfoliation is a process with which dead skin is shed and if done regularly with proper care can help achieve clear skin.


Exfoliation to achieve clear skin

Once exfoliation is done that is the dead skin is cleared away from the skin then it is suitable to take effective steps for clearing the skin. Exfoliation makes the pores of the skin clean and opens them up so that whatever other skin product is used can work on the skin properly. A clean skin with open pores will be able to absorb the nutrients applied on the skin. There are some home remedies for exfoliation of the skin.

Half teaspoon of yogurt should be added to one tablespoon gram flour so that the resultant mixture looks like a paste, few drops of lemon juice should be added to the paste if it is being used for oily skin and if it is used for dry skin few drops of glycerin should be added. Once made it should be applied to the affected area and it should be left for about 15 minutes as it gets dry in about fifteen minutes, once it is dried out completely it should be scrubbed off with the help of water. This is a two in one mask as it performs the function of exfoliation along with removing the excess dirt and oil from the skin.

This mask should be used once a week for better results. Another home remedy for exfoliation is by using raw tomato and sugar. What you need to do is take some sugar in a plate and cut a tomato in half, now put the inside of tomato on the sugar and scrub it onto the face softly for ten minutes after that wash the face with a cleanser and apply toner or any cream.  Once exfoliation is done you can use other homemade recipes on your clean skin so that it affects the skin in a proper way.

Homemade Remedies For Clear Skin

Now the nutrients can be absorbed by the skin as the dead cells are removed and the pores are open and clean to make the skin clear. Home remedies can be related to your diet or it can include masks that are to be applied on the skin. For getting a clear skin you need to get sufficient amount of vitamin A, C and E for that you need to eat raw vegetable and fresh fruits.

A lot of water should be drunken daily, eight to ten glasses of water are critically important to the skin. Water not only hydrates the skin and body, it is a tonic for the skin that detoxifies the skin and also provides moisture for the skin.  Nutrients can also be taken in the form of masks.

A mask can be prepared by taking any fruit pulp, this pulp should be thoroughly mashed and then it should be mixed with a few drops of honey and rose water. This paste should be applied to the face and it should be washed after about twenty minutes.

In addition to these homemade remedies, there are countless products available in the market that help you get the clear skin, they are specially made for different skin types. One such product is the Acne Free Clear Skin System, 3-Step Kit; Purifying Cleanser, Renewing Toner and Repair Lotion, it has the effective benzyl peroxide formula that makes the skin clear by treating the acne and breakouts. It would help to get back your self-confidence and make you stand out in the crowd.

home remedies for acnePurifying Cleanser, Renewing Toner and Repair Lotion

This kit is the answer of how to get clear skin permanently .Using this kit is the best way to get a clear skin and eradicate the problem of acne and spots that has been plaguing people for long time.

This product contains three bottles; cleanser bottle of 4 oz, toner bottle of 4 oz and lotion bottle of 2 oz. this product the AcneFree Clear Skin System, 3-Step Kit; Purifying Cleanser, Renewing Toner and Repair Lotion is recommended by the dermatologists and it works best for people of all skin types and all ages.

The customers of this product have given excellent feedback as they have achieved clear skin using this product that is why it is the number one selling product for acne.

It fights acne 24 hours a day and seven days a week and it starts showing results in just three days. The cleanser purifies and exfoliates the skin. The toner revitalizes the skin and the lotion attacks bacteria and removes the acne and blackheads in no time.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Remedies for anti-aging

home remedies for acneNow days everyone wants to look young and fresh forever. When you reach your late forties, wrinkles start to appear on your face. Now days this is one of the most hot unsolved topic seen around. As time passes, you grow and at the end you start get to age a little. You cannot stop this whole process of God but can make a control on the consequences it leaves behind.

There are a number of home remedies which can help you control your skin going old and even pass this time to further late process. These remedies are very healthy for your skin as well as freshening for your personality on an overall.

First, of all the most helpful home remedy is to make use of coconut. On an overall coconut is a very healthy food in every term. First, you have to crush that coconut and make it in to smaller particles. As everyone knows there is milk in the coconut. You have to make sure is that there is no milk in the coconut and it is completely dried up. When you are left out will all the coconut milk, apply it on your face. This is a very helpful home remedy. The milk helps to stretch your skin and leaves it in a very radiant glow.Secondly, another technique used at home which will help you to get a stretched and wrinkle free skin is making use of avocado oil. You can take seeds of avocado and press and crush them in the grinder or even by crushing manually. The oil from the avocado will come out; this is used to apply on the face. Apply that oil and massage it a little using the skin uplift technique. Your skin will easily get stretched and will be wrinkle free in no time with regular use of this home remedy.Thirdly, you can make use of the castor oil which is easily available at your homes and even local markets. Take the castor oil and apply it on your face at night for ten minutes. When you make use of castor oil regularly, you will get very healthy returns.There are a number of daily used vegetables which can be a solution to the problem of anti-aging. You can make use of vegetables like potatoes for skin whitening, clearing and skin stretch. All you have to do is take a potato and let it remain uncooked. Cut that potato in to slices and peel off the cover. Put the potato slices on your face for a while. You can even rub them with areas of wrinkles like around the eyes or neck and other effected areas. In the same manner you can make use of the cucumber. You can take the slices of cucumber without talking off the peeling. Next place those slices on the eyes, to take off the eye blackness. You have to place the slices on affected area for at least ten minutes to get a wrinkle free skin.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

How To Get Rid Of Blackheads On Nose

home remedies for acneBlackheads are caused due to a lot of reasons, makeup can cause blackheads, clogged pores can result in blackheads, excessive oil that is blocked in the sebaceous glands and the oily food that we eat can also cause blackheads. All these causes should be avoided if you don’t want to have more blackheads on your skin. They can be squeezed out but if not done properly, it can spread the bacteria in the skin making the condition worse.

Now let’s see how we can get rid of blackheads from the nose area. There is a step by step process which ensures the complete removal of blackheads from the nose. This is a process guarantees the removal of blackhead to a great extent. You can see a remarkable improvement in your condition regarding blackheads.

How To Get Rid Of Blackheads On Nose : We can easily remove the blackheads on nose by using the techniques mentioned below:

1) Blackhead Eliminating Scrub : The perfect method to remove blackheads with the use of Neutrogena Blackhead Eliminating Scrub.

It is the best scrub that you can you as it contains salicylic acid that is a wonderful ingredient which helps in removing the excess oil and opens the blocked pores.

Neutrogena Blackhead Eliminating Daily Scrub contains smooth micro beads that gently exfoliates the skin and penetrates the skin deep enough to remove the blackheads.home remedies for acne

It works its wonders in such a way that it does not let new blackheads to come again. So the Neutrogena Blackhead Eliminating Daily Scrub does not just remove them but also it stops them from coming back again. Its exfoliating action makes the skin smooth and clear. It is a two in one product that removes the blackheads from its roots and makes the skin clearer and smoother in such a way that it protects the skin from forming new blackheads.

The salicylic acid in it will make the skin tingle a bit it proves the fact that it is going deep inside the pores and extracting the stubborn oil and dirt. Its smooth exfoliating beads scrub the skin gently and do not let the skin over dry. You should use the Neutrogena Blackhead Eliminating

Daily Scrub daily so that you can just forget that the blackheads ever existed. You can use the astringent and treatment mask of Neutrogena with this scrub to let Neutrogena work its magic. You can use this great product every morning while in the shower and you can feel your skin smooth and soft.

You can significantly reduce the blackheads by regularly using this scrub and making the pores small. You can use the Revlon stainless steel blackhead remover after using this scrub to pull out the remaining blackheads.

2) Stainless Steel Blackhead Remover : Revlon Stainless Steel blackhead remover is a necessary product that is used for the removal of blackheads.

It is a remarkable product that you can buy and remove your blackheads professionally at home and is a perfect answer for how to get rid of blackheads on nose.

It has micro fine loops that clear your blocked pores safely.It is specially designed in such a way that you don’t feel harshness on your skin rather it is gentle on your skin.

home remedies for acne

It has two loops the smaller loop can be used to remove the blackheads and the larger loop can be used to remove the blackheads. It can be sanitize by you and another great feature of this product is that it has lifetime guarantee. It clears the blocked pores very gently. The stainless steel tool is designed in such a way that it removes the blackheads by being gentle on the skin and it removes the whiteheads and the blackheads easily and safely.

Revlon Stainless Steel Blackhead Remover tool works efficiently in such a way that it extracts each and every blackhead and whitehead perfectly from wherever you want whether it is your nose, cheeks, chin and forehead. You can feel the difference once you use the Revlon Stainless Steel Blackhead Remover and you can even visibly see the blackheads being extracted. You can use it after washing your face in the hot shower.

Make sure to keep your face wet so that the blackheads are soft enough to be removed. You can keep this tool clear by rubbing alcohol and then rinsing it with water. You can drag the Revlon Stainless Steel Blackhead Remover on the large areas of the skin to extract the whiteheads but you should make sure to press this tool flat on your skin and you can run it over so that the heads can come out.

You can scrape the Revlon Stainless Steel Blackhead Remover over your skin deliberately but also slowly so that the blackheads can be easily removed. It is a far much better product then the strips available in the market and it is even reusable.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

How To Get Rid Of Acne Scars

home remedies for acneWhat Are Scars : Dermis is brought on the skin by acne and inflammation occurs within this dermis which results in scars. When a wound tries to heal itself, sometimes a lot of collagen accumulates in that spot resulting in a scar at that spot. Acne scars are sometimes called ice pick scars this is due to the indentation these scars create on the surface of the skin.Some medical conditions also create scars on the face.

Inflamed lesions appear on the skin like cyst, papule and pustule which result in acne scars. Inflamed blemishes result in the blockage of pores due to excessive oil or bacteria and sometimes even due to dead skin cells. Follicle wall breaks due to swelling of the pores. If the wall breaks close to the surface of the skin then it would heal quickly. Serious and long lasting acne scars occur when the breakage occurs deep inside the skin. Dermis gets contaminated due to the infected material and healthy skin tissues get damaged.

Once the follicle wall breaks the skin wants to repair it by producing fresh collagen fibers as collagen is the substance that causes the skin to become strong and flexible. As this process is occurring, sometimes it happens that the body forms excess collagen and it accumulates over the skin tissues creating scars, this type of scars are known as hypertrophic or keloid. Acne mostly creates atrophic scars that are formed because of the tissue loss. Box scars and ice pick are the atrophic scars that occur because of the tissue loss.Now the question is how to get rid of acne scars?

Get Rid Of Acne Scars By Home Remedies

It is said that the best home remedy for removing the scars is the lemon juice, despite of its immense nutritional value; it works wonders for the skin when applied externally. All you need to do is take some lemon juice and apply it on your scars and leave it there for about 15 minutes. Apply it once every 15 days. Another effective homemade remedy for acne scars in by making a mixture of one tablespoon yogurt, one tablespoon oatmeal and one table spoon sour cream; mix this with two to three drops of lemon juice and apply this on your face and other affected areas. Let it stay there for about 15 minutes and then rinse it off thoroughly with water. It should be applied every week.

Tomatoes are effective ingredients for healthy food, they also work wonders for acne scars. Tomatoes are filled with antioxidants so they help remove acne scars. Take equal quantities of cucumber juice, tomato juice and powdered milk, mix them and apply the mixture on your face and see the scars fading in no time. Apply this once twice a week for better results.

Apple cider vinegar is another magical ingredient for your acne scars; it should be used as a toner by diluting it with water in such a way that ¼ parts is apple cider vinegar and ¾ parts should be of water. It should be used after cleansing. You can take apple cider vinegar internally as it has great detoxification effects; it should be mixed with water and honey in such a way that one cup water should contain two tablespoons apple cider vinegar and one teaspoon of honey.

The juice of mint leaves is another effective remedy for fading the acne scars, extract the juice from about fifteen leaves and then apply it on the face

In addition to these home remedies there are other medical treatments that can be used to remove the acne scars.

Other treatments of Acne Scars

There are two medical treatments called the microdermabrasion and the dermabrasion, in both these treatments dead cells are removed from the surface of the skin using a machine. The skin is exfoliated with this machine. Microdermabrasion varies from dermabrasion in such a way that it is a gentle procedure as compared to dermabrasion.

Laser therapy can be used to remove the scars, this is a resurfacing therapy in which microscopic light pulses are used to wound the skin a bit and then it is healed micro thermally and it repairs the scar tissues.

There are chemical masks that make the skin’s top layer to peel off and the layer that comes up is much better and smooth then the previous layer.

home remedies for acne

It can be used for all types of scars whether they have occurred from acne, injury or surgery or even the stretch marks. It is in the form of gel and it is completely greaseless so you don’t have to worry about the oils it adds to your skin.It is not only effective on fresh scars but it also reduces the old scars. It is specially formulated with the Cepalin Botanical Extract so that it works on the scars quickly and makes the skin smooth.There are several doctors who recommended this product as it does not smell awfully rather it has a very pleasant smell. Once you would try it you would really see an improvement.Makes the tissues flexible and removes the collagen accumulation in just the right amount. This is the product that makes your scars fade away without irritating your skin.